Look at me…July 1st and I am writing my letter. This morning finds us busy with picking up form our normal locations and delivering food to our homebound families. We just had a gentleman donate fresh produce from his garden. Please keep us in mind while you are harvesting. If you have too much we will gladly take it for our families. We are training some new volunteers as the busy summer time is here and our volunteers like to take vacations with their families. With Independence day taking place on Sunday the pantry will not be closed and it will be business as usual. There are some summer challenges with the hot weather and some of our bakery and produce outside in our parking lot but we are working through them. As always many thanks to the businesses, churches, and citizens of the community who regularly donate to keep us up and running and having such a nice selection for our families. Please keep us in mind while shopping and gardening. We appreciate all that the community does to help us help so many.